Faq Style


Faq for first-time visitors to the Stagnone.


best months for wind at the pond

At the stagnone there is always wind, the season starts in early March and runs until late December.
While in the spring months the chance of finding sustained winds is greater, in the summer months thermal winds are generated from the north and in recent years also from the southwest

how to get around at the pond

You have 2 options, if you come for a full immersion of kiting you might as well not move and live between the school and the b&b, but the best option is still to rent a car or moped. You will have the opportunity to visit Marsala in the evening, or move around all of Western Sicily-a wonderful opportunity to see the most beautiful beaches and why not cultural sites as well.

Things you need for a kitesurfing course

All equipment from wetsuits to technical equipment is included in the cost of the course, just bring a swimsuit (for men also a swimming suit which is more practical for wearing a wetsuit). ascigamano and a sunscreen

After the kitesurfing course am I entitled to a certificate?

certainly! After the Kitesurfing course, your IKO instructor will issue you an iko card that you will need to continue lessons or rent equipment (depending on level) worldwide at IKO centers

After the course can I rent a kitesurfer?

Generally after the kitesurfing course you do not attain the skills needed to rent a kite, you need to be fully autonomous such as going upwind and knowing how to perform a self rescue. Iko itself says that you have to be at least at the 3L level.
A few more class hours may be needed. But we will evaluate on a case-by-case basis!


At Kite Village your family certainly won’t be bored: plenty of relaxation spots and kiosks for sunbathing sipping coffee or cocktails, but if you want a beach, San Teodoro is only a few minutes away, you’ll have both free spaces and equipped lidos

on the off chance that there is not enough wind at the stagnone for kitesurfing sessions or kite courses, you can book a yoga class, bike trails along the lagoon and the stagnone bike path, enjoy the nearby beach, or take advantage of Marsala’s logistical location to explore the surrounding area: The Egadi Islands, San Vito lo Capo, the Zingaro reserve etc.



At the stagnone, learning kitesurfing is definitely easier than elsewhere. The fact that you can always touch with your own feet even hundreds of meters away from the coast really puts everyone at ease. Not to mention that you don’t need to waste time on unnecessary body drag to pick up the board if you fall into the water, all of which avoids unnecessary wasted time.
To say exactly what level is reached after the basic course a priori is difficult because it depends so much on the personal attitude that each of us has.
Certainly you get to the starting attempts with the board and a good percentage also get to the first edges independently with kitesurfing.

If the wind is not enough to finish the kitesurfing course?

on the off chance that there is no wind to finish the course you will only pay for the hours actually spent on the water.

Things you need for a kitesurfing course

All equipment from wetsuits to technical equipment is included in the cost of the course, just bring a swimsuit (for men also a swimming suit which is more practical for wearing a wetsuit). ascigamano and a sunscreen

After the kitesurfing course am I entitled to a certificate?

certainly! After the Kitesurfing course, your IKO instructor will issue you an iko card that you will need to continue lessons or rent equipment (depending on level) worldwide at IKO centers

After the course can I rent a kitesurfer?

Generally after the kitesurfing course you do not attain the skills needed to rent a kite, you need to be fully autonomous such as going upwind and knowing how to perform a self rescue. Iko itself says that you have to be at least at the 3L level.
A few more class hours may be needed. But we will evaluate on a case-by-case basis!

on the off chance that there is not enough wind at the stagnone for kitesurfing sessions or kite courses, you can book a yoga class, bike trails along the lagoon and the stagnone bike path, enjoy the nearby beach, or take advantage of Marsala’s logistical location to explore the surrounding area: The Egadi Islands, San Vito lo Capo, the Zingaro reserve etc.